Calling .CurrentUser getting null after stayLoggedIn is set to true

hi guys, I need help in android development,
calling Backendless.UserService.CurrentUser() after stay Logged is set to true gives null object .

project on github to for test purpose
note project is written in kotlin

Hi @Hasan_Ze

Thanks for reporting the issue. We will check this out as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

Hi @Hasan_Ze

I checked your project. And noticed you specified the wrong Android API Key. Therefore the app wasn’t working correctly. After I copied the correct API Key from Console everything worked fine.

Also I want to notice that after app restart the CurrentUser value will be null even if stayLoggedIn is set to true. That is because SDK store only ID of logged in user. You can get it using Backendless.UserService.loggedInUser() call.

Best Regards,