Can not render page due to error: "Script error

Without your help I cannot figure which function this should be. I clicked through all handlers and functions but everything looks fine to me. Do you have a chance to identify the function?

My AppId is: A2090C1B-936C-A876-FF32-277A55A60700

What is the URL of the page that produces the error?

Hi @Jorg_Beyer

Seems like you removed the function with id=“d2eaeb552581c1ea7f8ef28d9de6c93a” recently, and now the handler where you use the function can not load it

This was my first thought as well, but as I said I clicked though all handlers and looked where I would still use this function. Result: nowhere.

Any idea how I can fix this?

We can fix it for you. Simply close that UI container and let us do the clean up. We will send you a message when it is ready. Please confirm.

yes, please

The problem has been fixed. Please make sure to do a hard reload of the browser tab with UI Builder.


It is working. Thank you for your support.

It sounds like a different type of issue. Please create a new topic for every issue you experience. Also, when you post screenshots, please avoid “overcropping” images as some important context may be lost.


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I did open an extra ticket for this topic.