Cannot activate Data Connector. Table with name users already exists

I am working on an app for an existing application, and I am not able to connect to the application database due to there being an existing users table in the external database. I get the following error “Cannot activate Data Connector. Table with name users already exists” Maybe being able to add a prefix to the tables would help.

Hi @William_Assell

I’ve created a ticket to investigate the issue, thanks for the report.
We will notify you about the result here.


Hello @William_Assell

Could you tell us your current version of Backendless?


Hi @William_Assell

Please upgrade the current version of Backendless to and check if the problem is reproduced there. We will be waiting for your response.


When I try to upgrade I get the following error.

@William_Assell, Ohh, yeah. I am sorry for that, we are aware of this issue, and it will be fixed in the nearest time. Just try to select the version to update one more time.


Different error

@William_Assell, What version do you have now? You can find it in the all services tab

Looks like everything upgraded anyway except one item config values

The original issue is resolved thank you for your help

@William_Assell This is expected, the config values have not been updated.
Great, thanks for letting us know about this.


Now that I have connected the database I am getting an error trying to view the data see below

@William_Assell, Is that all that you have there? No additional info about the error? Could you please provide us an example of datetime values that you have.

Please check what you have under the config → server → dateFormats? It can be found in consul http://localhost:32600/


Maybe the time-only ones are the issue? I don’t think I see that in the config

hello @William_Assell

could you please make a dump of the table that has an issue and sent it to us?