Cannot delete files with '+'

I have a file on the Backendless file system with name Oct+10+2022 (1).log
I’m trying to delete it with the Javascript API and the REST API. For both, I’m getting the response “File or directory cannot be found.”

The issue seems to be with the ‘+’-sign. If I’m replacing these with ‘-’, all is fine. I also tried to URL encode with REST and used the name Oct%2B10%2B2022%20%281%29.log but with no luck either.


Hi @Klaas_Klever

Thanks for the report. I was able to reproduce the problem. Internal ticket BKNDLSS-30111 was created.
We will let you know when the problem has been fixed.

And by the way, this problem is not reproduced if you use instead of the custom domain in the request. In this case, all files are removed without errors, regardless of whether there is a “+” in the name or not.
