cannot deploy: [ERROR] There is no code, which can be deployed to Backendless.

getting this all the time.

Starting CodeRunner
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
[INFO] CodeRunner™ Backendless Debugging Utility
[INFO] Copyright© 2016 Backendless Corp. All rights reserved.
[INFO] Version: 3.0.0 Build date: 20160219-0848
[INFO] CodeRunner session is running for 2 hour and will be terminated on 18:37:

[INFO] Registering runner on: with secretKey: 12033C
[INFO] Runner successfully registered
[INFO] Parsing event model…
[INFO] Build successfully: 0 handlers, 0 timers
[ERROR] There is no code, which can be deployed to Backendless.
[INFO] Debugging Utility disconnected successfully
[INFO] Thank you for using Backendless


Hi, David!

This error occurs if coderunner cannot find compiled classes in required folder. By default this folder is called /classes.
Make sure that you’ve compiled your project and compiled code is in this folder. Also you can change the target directory in file. This parameter is called “location.classes”
best regards,

Hi David,

Here’s a video where I show how to configure a dev environment so the classes are recognized by CodeRunner:


[INFO] Runner successfully registered
[INFO] Parsing event model...
[INFO] Build successfully: 0 handlers, 0 timers, 1 service
[INFO] Deploying model to server, and starting debug...
[ERROR] Error while cleanUp services
[INFO] Debugging Utility disconnected successfully
[INFO] Thank you for using Backendless

[ERROR] Error while cleanUp services
What does it mean?

Could you please send us your service jar to so that we would be able reproduce your problem?

Starting CodeRunner
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
[INFO] JDK from “JAVA_HOME” - not set.
[INFO] JRE from “JRE_HOME” - not set.
[WARN] WARNING! It appears you do not have JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME environment variables set.
This is not necessarily a problem, but it may lead to errors during CodeRunner execution.
If you experience problems related to security policy permissions, the JAR utility or others,
please try setting up the JAVA_HOME environment variable by pointing it to the root directory
of your JDK location (must be version 1.8 or higher).
[INFO] CodeRunner™ Backendless Debugging Utility
[INFO] Copyright© 2016 Backendless Corp. All rights reserved.
[INFO] Version: 3.0.12 Build date: 20160322-1201
[INFO] CodeRunner session is running for 2 hour and will be terminated on 11:42:18.360[UTC]
[INFO] Registering runner on: ‘’ with version ‘v1’
[INFO] Application ID: ‘CB4A56FC-4CC4-981D-FFE9-EC3CF6CD4500’
[INFO] Secret key: ‘B90305A8-6B89-EA4D-FF2B-88118EC85B00’
[INFO] Runner successfully registered
[INFO] Parsing event model…
╨╝╨░╤А 23, 2016 9:42:22 AM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init>
WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(…) returned error code 5.
[ERROR] Cannot run program “jar” (in directory “…\classes”): CreateProcess error=2, ╨Э╨╡ ╤Г╨┤╨░╨╡╤В╤Б╤П ╨╜╨░╨╣╤В╨╕ ╤Г╨║╨░╨╖╨░╨╜╨╜╤Л╨╣ ╤Д╨░╨╣╨╗
[INFO] Debugging Utility disconnected successfully
[INFO] Thank you for using Backendless

I need help

Make sure the JDK’s bin directory is added to the system path before you run CodeRunner. (you should be able to run jar.exe from the command prompt window).