Cannot pay the Springboard plan


I got a problem to buy the shortcut for the Springboard plan, I got this error and I click on Buy :

‘application with ID id=xxxx does not exist.’

Hello @Adrien_Cadoret

Could you provide us with your app ID?



Hi @Adrien_Cadoret ,

This is really strange situation. Could you please open “DevTools” > “Networking”, try to buy Springboard for one more time and pay attention which endpoint returns this error? I am interested in full URL of the call.

Regards, Andriy

Also please provide a full text of the error which returns that endpoint

400 Bad Request

@Adrien_Cadoret ,

Thank you for the provided information. Could you please try to buy plan one more time? At this time there should be no error.

Thanks a lot !

@Adrien_Cadoret ,

Nice to hear that problem has gone.
Sorry for inconvenience. I hope you will enjoy further work with Backendless.
I have created an internal ticket to fix the cause of it.

Regards, Andriy

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