Cannot Resolve Errors with 'DefaultCallback' and 'handleResponse'

I attempted to use the sample code used for registering a user (I attached screen shots of that attempted usage). However Android Studio is giving me a couple errors. 1 being a Cannot resolve symbol ‘DefaultCallback’. Another being Cannot resolve method ‘handleResponse(com.backendless.BackendlessUser)’. I attached a screen shot of my code. If anyone has a suggestion as to what I might have done wrong, I would love to hear it.

Hi Vikram,

Use this, it will work much better for you:

    Backendless.UserService.register( user, new AsyncCallback<BackendlessUser>()
      public void handleResponse( BackendlessUser response )

      public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )

    } );

Awesome, thanks. This code is actually used in another sample as well.