Can't change identity from 'name' to 'email'

I’m trying to change identity from name to email. I’ve ensured all the emails are unique and set. Now when I’m pressing email identity radiobutton I’m getting the following error from backendless dashboard (screenshot attached):
Could not update ‘email’.
What can be wrong here?

I was able to workaround the error: it appeared that the error is because of there were users with emails with dash symbols and this generated the error:

I was able to switch identity to email after temporarily removing the dash in all the emails. I then added the dashes back after successful switch and seems to work.

I believe this is a bug on backendless side.

Hi Develop

Thanks for your report. I have created an internal ticket for this issue (BKNDLSS-13116)


I’ve just checked the issue again and it appeared that it’s not about dash which prevents from updating the identity but it’s about length of part of email after “@” symbol.

Identity changes fine if length after @ is 22 symbols or less and doesn’t work if it’s 23 (and I suppose more) - dash was just that symbol I removed and the length became 22.

Hope this helps

This is rather odd. We will definitely look into it as a part of the ticket Vitaly referenced.

Thanks for providing this additional info!

What is the overall length of the email?

I have 2 users with problematic emails which I have to manually adsjust in order to update identity. Their total lengths are (including @) 37 and 32 symbols. Parts after @ are the same and both has 23 symbols.