Can't connect to Zapier - No application showing

I am testing the Zapier integration, and I seem to not get any application showing (see image).

I am pretty sure I have logged in using the correct credentials. Any ideas?

Hi Bob,

Are your apps in the US or the EU cluster? I believe Zapier defaults to the US and if the app is in EU, you would need to change the base URL.


it’s EU, can you clarify what you mean by change the base URL?

I am checking… Will let you know as soon as I get an answer from the team.

Hi Bob,

We need to make an update that will let you choose a hosting cluster. Right now, our Zaprier plugin communicates only with the US cluster. The change will let you choose any of our clusters and pick an app. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.


Ok, I’ll wait with that one then.

Hi Mark - just want to follow up with this one to see if the update to allow Zapier plugin to work with EU cluster will be coming soon. I am in need to building some Salesforce & Xero integrations and want to know if I should instead see if I connect to SF and Xero directly.

Many thanks in advanced.

Hi Bob,

I checked the status of the issue. The bug has been fixed and is in the QA right now. I have asked to expedite it so you can start using the functionality in the EU cluster.


Awesome, then I will wait for this to come through. You guys are amazing as always.

Hello @Bob_Leung

Apologies for the long wait. You can now see applications from all Backendless clusters in Zapier. Please let us know if this works for you.


Will test thank you.

Just want to report back that the zapier connection works perfectly. Thank you again!

Hello BL team,

Now that I’ve connected the ZAP, I notice that it doesn’t seem to be fully working yet for me. For example, I have installed the ZAP trigger “Object Created in Backendless” and “Object Updated in Backendless”, I tested the workflow and everything seems to work, but what doesn’t seem to work is that the trigger is not sent to Zapier when those events happened.

i.e. when an object is created or updated, nothing is triggered on Zapier.

Can you confirm that the triggers being sent to Zapier?

Hello @Bob_Leung,

could you please provide your App ID? I will check if event handlers are registered for Zapier.

How did you check that these events do not work?
If you created or edited objects using Data Browser in the Console, this will not trigger events, since these are not API events but actions of the application administrator. To check your triggers through the API you need to create or update an object through the REST Console tab or using the API (SDK, Cloud Code, cURL etc).

App ID: C3357375-4EC1-1240-FFA8-4142EA2D3700

The events are triggered by Cloud Code or UI Builder Codeless Data API blocks

Thank you. Can you also please let me know how you check that Zap is not triggered?

I have 2 data points on this:

  1. I look at the ZAP history on zapier’s website.
  2. I can see that the ZAP didn’t perform the described steps if it was triggered.

What API Keys did you choose in Zap settings? Is it CloudCode API Key?
Zapier triggers are registered through our Event Handlers system. However, Event Handlers do not run if events occur using a CloudCode API Key or Cloud Code logic.

Ah yes, I used CloudCode API to start with just to get started. So that solved my mystery. I will create a new key to test. Thank you for your help.

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