Can't create new folder in Files section

Hi for some strange reason I get a “Network Error” when I try to create a new folder in the Backendless Files section. What’s weird about it is that I can create and delete a folder in Root… But when I try to create a subfolder in any other location I get this network error message. This used to work previously.

My app id is 721AC780-A565-8D74-FF75-5158A2EB5500

Thanks for all the work you guys do…

Hi @William_Lee,

a request to create a directory is blocked by a plugin in your browser, something like AdBlock or the like, which hides ads on sites. The plugin mistakenly thinks that due to the presence of the word “adverts” in the request, it has something to do directly with advertising. I recommend disabling this plugin for Backendless Console (add it to exclusions), we have no ads.
