I have an issue with retrieving headers data from push notification on Flutter App.
App ID: B4F92BD3-34B5-C368-FFA7-78380524F500
Flutter v2.2.3
Backendless SDK v7.0.0
Device: Android Emulator API 30
This is my code which run on main.dart
And this is the push notif template
When I sent notif, device successfully got it, but there is no header data printed on Debug Console. Only message fromBackendlessFCMService:
I/BackendlessFCMService(14562): Notification has been received by default 'BackendlessFCMService' class. You may override this method in a custom fcm service class which extends from 'com.backendless.push.BackendlessFCMService'. The notification payload can be found within intent extras: msgIntent.getStringExtra(PublishOptions.<CONSTANT_VALUE>).
Hello @irwancheung
I created an internal ticket to investigate the problem (BKNDLSS-25879).
Hi, @Volodymyr_Ialovyi
Any updates about this problem?
Hello, @irwancheung.
As soon as this problem is resolved, we will inform you.
Regards, Nikita.
Hi @irwancheung
Please follow this article to setup push notifications and receive headers:
Pay attention to the " Handling Notifications in Flutter" section. You should
replace BackendlessFCMService
with FlutterBackendlessFCMService
then your onMessage
callback will receive the headers.
Best Regards,
It works now! Thanks!
I did the setup for Android from this documentation: Push Notification Setup (Android) - Backendless SDK for Flutter API Documentation
But I couldn’t find any information about replacing BackendlessFCMService
with FlutterBackendlessFCMService