Can't get response from realtime database when listen to Table Views

I have tables named FriendChats and its table view called FriendChatsView.
I was trying to create realtime db update listener for FriendChatsView. It got result from subscription when there is update, but there is nothing in response.

I/RTClient( 7413): try to subscribe RTSubscription{id='C17DBC40-F1C6-02C7-FF94-8D51690ECE00',$5@1e2c741, subscriptionName=OBJECTS_CHANGES, options={whereClause=ownerId = 'EC1F023C-549B-4FC1-A5C1-F90206FD165F', event=updated, tableName=FriendChatsView}}
I/RTClient( 7413): Got result for subscription 15314F7B-9E28-6F97-FF6B-B0C20C981D00

It works fine if it subscribe to FriendChats table instead of its table view.

I/RTClient( 7413): try to subscribe RTSubscription{id='15314F7B-9E28-6F97-FF6B-B0C20C981D00',$5@de3152b, subscriptionName=OBJECTS_CHANGES, options={whereClause=ownerId = 'EC1F023C-549B-4FC1-A5C1-F90206FD165F', event=updated, tableName=FriendChats}}
I/RTClient( 7413): Got result for subscription 15314F7B-9E28-6F97-FF6B-B0C20C981D00
[log] {"code":"8455e3cf-d8e8-4c10-a738-cd3817af602d","created":1626933348000,"___class":"FriendChats","receivedAt":1626936044000,"readAt":null,"message":"t","ownerId":"EC1F023C-549B-4FC1-A5C1-F90206FD165F","updated":1626936045000,"objectId":"1899A56A-9DD6-4386-B80A-D81C237A3861"}

Hello @irwancheung

Unfortunately, for DataViews the RealTime feature is not supported at this moment.

Regards, Vlad

Is there any workaround to get id of relation object?

There is a friend column in FriendChats table which is related to objectId of Friends table. But realtime listener didn’t return its value;

In the real-time notification on update you can receive only object with plain columns (no relations).
To get the relation you can use the following api Two Steps Retrieval - Backendless SDK for Flutter API Documentation