Can't join more than 1 channel

I have created 4 messaging channels and my app loops through and tries to join each one on startup. I wait 2 seconds and test each to verify that it’s been joined, but only 1 of 4 is successful. I don’t receive any errors. The 1 channel that is successful is random…could be any one of the four. Here is the code I’m using to test:

        dStore.find(queryBuilder: qBuilder) { threads in //there are only 4 threads
            for t in threads {
                let t = t as! MsgThread
                //subscribe to channel
                let channel = Backendless.shared.messaging.subscribe(channelName: t.objectId!) //channel name is the objectId of the message thread
                Task.init {
                    try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(2))
                    if channel.isJoined { print("\(t.objectId!) channel joined... ")} else { print("\(t.objectId!)  channel NOT joined..") }
                let _ = channel.addStringMessageListener(responseHandler: { message in
                    var msg = Msg()
                    msg.msgTxt = message + "from cloud"
                    t.messages?.insert(msg, at: 0)
                    print("Received a message: \(message)")
                }, errorHandler: { fault in
                    print("Error: \(fault.message ?? "")")
        } errorHandler: { fault in
            print("Error: \(fault.message ?? "")")

Hi David,

Is t.objectId different for every thread? Could you print it out as well and share the full log with us?


Correct…each t.objectId is different. Here is what the log shows…

F4E51784-E12F-414A-967D-2BD9EF7016EC channel joined…
F5DD6F5D-6575-42A3-8DFB-ACC6526F34B channel NOT joined…
F37FA5FA-F82D-43B0-A39D-860A522056 channel NOT joined…
F61B7956-00B4-4520-985B-E42610491F57 channel NOT joined…

and if i run it again…

F4E51784-E12F-414A-967D-2BD9EF7016EC channel NOT joined…
F5DD6F5D-6575-42A3-8DFB-ACC6526F3E4B channel joined…
F61B7956-00B4-4520-985B-E42610491F57 channel NOT joined…
F37FA5FA-F82D-43B0-A39D-86E0A5220E56 channel NOT joined…

Also worth noting that the other channels never gets joined. For example, if i wait a few minutes and push a msg to the channel from the web interface none of the other channels have connected so I don’t think its a timing issue. It seems to fail when it tries to connect, but I’m not getting any errors.

…looks like .subscribe already joins a channel so I tried removing the channel.join but that didn’t help

@olhadanylova could you please take a look and help David out?

also interesting is that if I try to subscribe each thread to the default channel the same thing happens…only 1 of the 4 attempts work. So the issue isn’t channel dependent. Here is the code for that:

threadStore.find(queryBuilder: qBuilder) { threads in
            for thread in threads {
                let t = thread as! MsgThread
                //subscribe to channel
       = Backendless.shared.messaging.subscribe()
                let _ = { message in
                    var msg = Msg()
                    msg.msgTxt = message + "from cloud"
                    t.messages?.insert(msg, at: 0)
                    print("Received a message: \(message)")
                }, errorHandler: { fault in
                    print("Error: \(fault.message ?? "")")
                Task.init {
                    try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(5))
                    if { print("\(t.objectId!) channel joined... ")} else { print("\(t.objectId!)  channel NOT joined..") }
        } errorHandler: { fault in
            print("Error: \(fault.message ?? "")")

I was able to reproduce this issue. An internal ticket is created for investigation.

Hi @David_Thompson
Issue is fixed in v7.0.1. Could you please check and verify whether it works for you now?

Hi @olhadanylova I just ran a pod update and my version is still 7.0.0. What is the best way to pull down 7.0.1?

Please make sure your minimal deployment target is set to iOS12/tvOS12, maybe that settings restrict update.

Yes that was it!! Works as expected, thank you!

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