Cell content share one cell?

With codeless UI Builder is it possible for the contents to share one cell in the same location?

ie. Display content and can alternate?

Try to replicate: 04.10.2021-14.30.35

Present: https://backendlessappcontent.com/CE9CA061-AFDB-F16B-FF15-2A78893EF900/E72216FB-A303-4CAF-889D-E9FE93BE9E29/files/ui-builder/containers/default/index.html?page=login

Hi Mark,

Just to make sure I understand: upon clicking “recover password”, you need the current contents to slide out while other cells/blocks/containers/whatever to slide in? How is it currently structured? Are the left/rights side cells in a container? or blocks?


Hi Mark,

Yes. They are in left and right side containers.


Hello @Mark_Wilkinson

For this purpose, you can use

  1. Data binding
    Set on ‘Recovery’ button click some flag to understand when to show Recovery form.

  2. Visibility Logic - to control what block must be shown

  3. Extensions with custom CSS to animate it - guide

Here some playlists that could be helpful in codeless development.

And answer in related topic with explanation how to add the animation - Binding CSS animation - #9 by Mark_Wilkinson

Regards, Dima.

Thanks Dima,

I will look through it.

Have a good week.