Changes are not reflecting in Debug or production mode

i’m trying to run the code in debug or production mode. Actually the code is building well but the changes are not getting reflected. Either in debug or production mode.
I have simply added this piece of code. i.e
public void beforeCreate( RunnerContext context, Category category) throws Exception
// add your code here

After i build code & deploy in production, the changes are not getting reflected.Even after adding the record in Backendless Data section, the changes are not reflecting.I have attached the console log.In my business logic, the data table section is showing event in debug as well as production.
Please have look and help me in resolving the issue

What is the version of CodeRunner?

Hi, i’m using CodeRunnerSDK_3.0.16

Any update, why i’m not able to deploy my code changes to production?. This problem i have noticed in windows machine…

Is it something wrong with SDK or what could it be?

is Category the class you wrote or was it generated by Backendless?

Category class generated by backendless

Add System.out.println( "category - " + category.getName() ) to your code, run it in Debug and check if the method is invoked.

To hit the breakpoint, shoud we have to insert the record to table via console only or, can we insert it from the front end data browser?


When you insert using Backendless console, it will not enter your event handler.

Hi, i’m finding difficulty in inserting record via command line, can you give me one schema, let me just try quickly please

Sorry, but I cannot “give you a schema” because I do not understand what it means…

Its ok, i somehow found way to insert record.

i used this script

curl -H application-id:BA6D956E-62A6-DB31-FF25-0EB478575300 -H secret-key:FB2A1656-EDFF-A226-FF14-8B9680979000 -H Content-Type:application/json -H application-type:REST -X POST -v ‘’ -d ‘{“Description”:“Hello my dear”, “Name”:“Sweet is always tasty”}’

But my application is throwing error saying curl is not recognized as internal command. what to do?

If you want to use the curl utility, you need to make sure it is installed. Download and install it.


I did download the curl and installed well. Now i’m getting invalid Jason error, this is what i’m trying to do in my command prompt,

curl -v -H application-id:BA6D956E-62A6-DB31-FF25-0EB478575300 -H secret-key:FB2A1656-EDFF-A226-FF14-8B9680979000 -H Content-Type:“application/json” -H application-type:REST -X POST -v “” -d ‘{“Description”:“Hello my dear”, “Name”:“Sweet is always tasty”}’

the log is attached completly, please help

Hello, please provide your inputs on my query, please…


i have solved query myself, it was my fault.

I have formatted the Json data correctly and triggered. it worked as expected.

Refer this video, on how to format the Json data.

Thank you for the support

Hi Ramesh,

Thank you for your help in formatting JSONs properly!
Does your problem still persist?
