Click, Select, and Drag Just One UI Builder Block

Is there a mouse-click / keyboard combination that will allow me to click, select, and drag just one UI Builder block instead of all of the blocks at or below the block on which I click?

The question is closely related another one from you.
A block can be the parent of other blocks, so when it is moved, all child elements move with it. You can bind and unbind it to/from another ones.
You have to unbind the block from parent and remove children for deletion e.g.
What is your use case ?

See this brief screen recording.

Safari - UI Builder - Buildigence - Backendless 2023-05-30 at 3.23.55 PM - Watch Video

Unfortunately, there is no way to do what you’re asking for. This behavior is part of Blockly (the block-based system we use for codeless). I find myself wishing it would be possible. The “technique” is to unsnap a tree by dragging the component you need and then re-snapping everything down below.

Thanks. That’s exactly what I do. I thought there might be some keystroke / keypress & hold combo.

I didn’t know about the Blockly connection. Cool stuff.

I have this same frustration when trying to move code around. I have found it is easiest to highlight the block, cut it (control X on PC), and then paste (control P) it back to have it disconnected from the rest of the blocks.

Hope this helps,