Cloning app changed parents KEYs

Hey guys,

I have a question. I have Application A. I cloned it and made Application B. I noticed that Application’s A Android API key changed! I was wondering why it was changed? Moreover, now, Application A and Application B has all same keys but Application ID key. Is this expected behavior?

So, two questions:

  1. Why after cloning my application A, its keys changed?
  2. Why cloned application and its parent has same keys (only Application ID’s differ).

Applications IDs
Parent 67D01517-C1BA-CC16-FFE5-D2F1006D3A00
Child 3165BF74-3F4A-4E94-BC24-591363A279E2

Looking forward hearing for your feedback!

You mentioned that app A API keys have been regenerated, but old keys still work. Can you please let us know what old keys still work? You can send them to us vial email or submit a hidden post.


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Question 1 - made multiple tests on cloning and the keys in original app were never regenerated. If you would post a video demonstrating the problem it would help us a lot.
Question 2 - this is by design and if you want to have keys that differ from original one - you may regenerate them manually on apllication’s dashboard.


Hi Guys, I got an error after regenerating my API Key.

*Waited for few minutes, clean all cache nothing.

AppID: 9CA9AA41-6892-4A1E-FFB5-95DEAF5A4A00

Hello Marcio,
Are you sure that your app does not accidentally use the old API key? Here’s an example of a query that works fine with the new one:****-****-8676-2609036EFAEF/data/Users. Please provide a query which fails in your specific case.

Hi @sergey-chupov still not working. I’m using react-native-dotenv for my keys and kept all in .env file. Pretty easy to replace them. (I realize my firsts commits had the keys in hard code so I regenerate them to keep out of Git)

Error: 401 {code: 2002, message: “Unable to identify the application. Make sure application ID and API key are correct”, errorData: {…}}

*I double checked and the keys are right. Also tried (Rest API and JS API) with the old ones and did not work either.

Also tried using Android and iOS keys with a selector and got the same error. They all are new keys.

Hi Marcio
you can try to enable requests logging Backendless.Request.verbose = true right after import backendless module
it will show what exactly appId and apiKey are used