CloudCode not running properly today?

Code that was running perfectly two days ago, with no changes between Saturday and today, now fails with this message:

“code”: 0,
“message”: “Failed to run code in sandbox on behalf of application’s system user.”,
“errorData”: {}

Is this an error on your side or mine?

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I’m having the same issues on the UI builder.

And the API on my production app is non responsive (EU cluster).

Hello @Egil_Helland and @Nicolas_REMY

This issue on our side. Our team is working on it. This problem is of the highest priority for us.



Are you reporting about solving the problem here or in slack?

Regards, Jörg

Hello @Jorg_Beyer

Here and in slack.


@Nicolas_REMY @Jorg_Beyer @Egil_Helland

We fixed the issue. Please check if work for you.


Seems to be working for me at least! Thanks for speedy recovery.

Looks like it’s working for me too.

By the way, the error here was again different from previous outages.

As already discussed here, we would really need a Codeless block to assess if there is connectivity or not. Attempting to catch errors based on messages, without knowing the full list of error messages which would apply is really hit and miss, and mostly miss.

Agree with @Nicolas_REMY , even though I am not fully in production yet, this is clearly something that would be beneficial to have. Some sort of general health status endpoint that enables us to provide end users with useful feedback/temporary info other than a crashed or non-working UI would be preferable.

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works for me

@Nicolas_REMY @Egil_Helland

Thank you for proposal, your activity helps us to make backendless better.
I think that the discussion about this proposal is better conducted in the original topic.
I wrote in the topic about another argument of yours.


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