{ "code" : 17000, "message" : "No script runner is available" }

  1. Do not put backendless.jar into the jar you deploy. Period. Just not there at all

  2. Expand stripe jar into a directory and package it with your code. IntelliJ IDEA does it for you when you create an artifact. Or see any “Fat Jar” plugin.

Do i need to implement IBackendlessService ?

If yes or no, I am getting error in either case while uploading the jar

Yes, you need to implement it. Did you read the documentation?:


Mark, I sent you jar again, please see if thats good.

Look closer at the error you’re getting. It references a ClassNotFoundException with a reference to com.google.gson…

Sure enough, the Stripe classes you included depend on the gson library which is not included in the jar you upload.


Thanks Mark for the Support. Finally errors are gone, just need to work on stripe payment now. Is there any way I can check logs if I placed some system.out.println() in java code?

Glad you’re making progress! No, you will not see println() output. You can use Backendless logging though:



We’re working on adding support for local debug of hosted services.

Hi, everything is error free now, getting this error while stripe payment:

“access denied (“java.util.PropertyPermission” “com.stripe.net.customURLStreamHandler” “read”)”

Although I added the external host as api.stripe.com and status is approved.

Thanks in advance.

I do not see any approvals for that domain. When did you get an approval?

It was auto approved. Please check screenshot attachedhttp://support.backendless.com/public/attachments/e52851a70580b9aeede54bef592c1bb8.png</img>

Ankit, could you please try again?

Sorry for the delay, but still same issue:

“access denied (“java.util.PropertyPermission” “com.stripe.net.customURLStreamHandler” “read”)”

Please note, backendless is installed on my Digital OCean server.

Hi Ankit,

do you connect to it via http:// or https:// ?



as per stripe java api

// Field descriptor #9 Ljava/lang/String;

public static final java.lang.String LIVE_API_BASE = “https://api.stripe.com”;


That was it then, we enabled port 80 at first. Could you try again now?

No luck :frowning:

“access denied (“java.util.PropertyPermission” “com.stripe.net.customURLStreamHandler” “read”)”

Please note, I am access service using API inspector.

Sorry, I tried everything I could. Passing it to a developer to figure out. We’ll get back with you soon.