codegen failed

I created a Backendless app called Contact, then I used codeGen to make a download zip. I opened the zip and opened file in Android Studio. However, it failed to run on my phone and on the emulator with Nexus 5.

I want to use the example code in class Contact and the asynchronous method saveNewContact() to learn how to save info to a table in Backendless.
(Contact class in

To see how to save an object in Backendless, use “Project Template” instead, it will be easier for you to start with. The quick start guide describes the process:

The procedure in quick start guide is outdated. There is no such button at the top.

“3.Click the Download Project Template button:”

Hi Bryon,

I am watching on this button right now.
What version of Backendless Console do you use? Is it Cloud or Pro?

Regards Ilya


You must be working with the 3.x backend. If you’re just getting started, I recommend switching to the 4.0 version, which is new. The guide I referenced is specifically for that version.


Ok, I will try cloud version 4.0, but I have spent a long time developing an Android app with 3.x version and I need to finish that app. I am having trouble saving data to a table in Backendless. I have tried to adapt your example code and I see no errors in compiler, but data does not save to table.

The cloud version of Backendless worked for me.

Were you able to run the project and see how an object can be saved?

yes. With cloud version of Backendless, I was able to save new object to table and create new columns in table.