Color Picker for my Fontend?

I need to create a front end where users would be able to choose a certain color. Now I’m wondering how should I implement a color picker on my frontend for that purpose?

Hello @Stefan_Jovanovic

There are three ways:

  1. Use default browser color input and Custom Code block
  2. Implement it by yourself using Custom Component
  3. Use an external library.

Regards, Dima.

I’ve found one library on Github, but not sure how should I integrate it with my frontend? Haven’t done anything similarly yet. Can you send me some similar example to direct me, so that I can check it and try it out? Thanks!

Anyone can help me with this? I’m stuck, and not sure how would I implement a third party library. On the other hand, using a default browser color input doesn’t look that good, when it comes to a UI.

Unfortunately but we can’t help you with the external library. We provide support only for our products.

You could find how to require external library here

Also, as I see, this library works well with native JS, so you may use the Custom Code block to add it to your app.

Regards, Dima