com.backendless.Footprint.get__meta()' on a null object reference

I just started getting this error today. It does not happen in all objects. Currently happening on updating objects holding geopoints. Please let me know how I can fix this



The problem is fixed. It was something really strange. I think it is ok now.

I though it was gone but no, actually the problem persists.
More specifically the error is

Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘java.lang.String com.backendless.Footprint.get__meta()’ on a null object reference

Please advise.



See the discussion here:

This error is reproduced when updating the object reference after the async call returns, when the object is updated more than 2 times.
Suppose you have a data object A that has a relationship with object B (one to many).
so if you do the following

A objectA = new ObjectA();
void updateFunction(){
     objectA.getListOfB().add(new B());
      objectA.saveAsync(new AsyncCallback<A>(){
     handleResponse(A newObjectA){ 
       objectA = newObjectA

First and second time function is called noerror, 3rd time the following error occurs.
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String com.backendless.Footprint.get__meta()

On the other hand, if you just set the objectId of the produced by the server object in the async call to the objectId of the original one, then the code runs with no error but not with the desired result.

Please let me know if this is normal.



Would it be possible for you to put together a sample demonstrating the problem and email it to It would tremendously help us in diagnosing and ultimately fixing it.


Sure I can do that, could you specify of the sample format?

Just a simple java app (or Android) which demonstrates the problem. Once you have it ready, just zip up the project.

ok I have it should I e-mail it?

I sent the e-mail to
let me know when you get it.



We got it. Thank you.