com.backendless.util.BackendlessTimeoutException: Could not acquire lock

I am using the backendless often for develop

but there are some issues.
as you can see in title, this error is bothering me.
that is , when user upload the photo and save the url on table, this error is occured.
I hope you help me.

There’s an error going around, I’m pretty sure it’s on their end. They’re looking into it and should have it fixed soon.


I have tested again, but there is the issue clearly on server.
in my opinion , this error is related with server ability or environment clearly.
backendless is very powerfui Baas, and I love it, but this error is very serious problem.
please help me.

Nothing we can do, I’ve tried every work around I can think of. Seriously slowing my development down, but this stuff happens, all we can do is hang tight.

do you need my project id?

one is : 9F503152-806A-C808-FF6B-40270E725800
and another is : 9C6CEC32-9137-2041-FFDA-B524DC109800
2nd is my friend’s app

I’m not a dev, sadly, the devs are on the right side of the screen.

Hi Xiaomingming,

This issue should have been fixed now, could you please verify?


How can I verify?
do you need my code or not app id?
I have already attached my project ID ( 2 project) above.

I have tested again, but it is not working yet, failed to upload photo on server.

I will wait your reply.

I have tested again, but it is not working yet, failed to upload photo on server.

I will wait your reply.
I have tested on first project.(9F503152-806A-C808-FF6B-40270E725800)

Do you receive the same error message “Could not acquire lock”?

I have checked again, yes now other error was occured.

FAULT = ‘502’ [HTTP 502] <bad gateway>
just this is occured when upload the image on server.
please help me

How do you upload the image?

NSInteger timeint = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
NSString * filePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@“avatar/%ld.jpeg”, (long)timeint];
NSData * data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(img, 1.0);

       [backendless.fileService upload:filePath content:data overwrite:YES response:^(BackendlessFile * file) {

} error:^(Fault * fault) {


this is my code .

Please try the FileService sample’s upload here:

Does it crash, too?

I have similar problem to the above

The upload problem has been resolved.



thanks but it is not working now

FileService -> sendUploadRequest: HTTP status code: 400
this is the error
please help me.


Many thanks, Now I can upload the photo on server.
I have used follow code.

BackendlessFile *file = [backendless.fileService saveFile:filePath content:data overwriteIfExist:YES] ;
this is working on my account.
but now I have one issue on my friend account
it has also same issue.
on my friend account, above code occurs as following error.

FAULT = ‘-1001’ [NSURLErrorDomain] <The request timed out.>
project ID is 9C6CEC32-9137-2041-FFDA-B524DC109800
please help me.
( my account was already fixed , many thanks)

Hi there, the issue has not been solved yet. Can u solve it ? I’m the friend of Xiaomingming.

Thanx a lot