Combining WordPress with Backendless?

I’m interested in creating a site that is powered by WordPress for static content and plugin-powered features, and Backendless for the dynamic content.

There are several aspects that are unclear:

  1. Should WordPress be installed in root or in a subfolder? I understand that Backendless is to be installed in a subfolder. But I don’t know if it matters to Backendless where WP is installed.

  2. To what extent can WP and Backendless communicate with each other? Specifically: If there are users who visit the site, and should ideally be able to use the various sections of the site with a single set of login credentials in a session, can this be done? Let’s say for example there is an e-commerce shop section, a community forum section, and a premium articles section - and some of these features are powered by WP plugins, but we want the user data to be stored in Backendless.

  3. I did come across a method for placing WordPress blog entries in a Backendless site.
    I’m not sure if it works for all of WP or just the blog entries:

I want to use the right technology to power each feature. It seems like some things can be more easily achieved with WP and others can be more easily achieved with Backendless. I just don’t know how to organize the site structure or how compatible the two technologies are with one another.


Hello @Causality

What folders are we talking about here? I think that this question is more related to the support of WordPress itself.

Are you talking about installing Backendless Pro?

You can communicate with Backendless, in particular, but not limited to, using REST - Backendless REST API Documentation.
We also have UI-Builder
UI Builder is a no-code, drag-and-drop interface for building the frontend of your app or website.

You can read about how to interact with Backendlees, in particular, with User data, in particular through REST, here - User Service API Overview.

Unfortunately, I am not yet familiar with the Wordpress blog widget and how it works. You can ask the developers of this widget or the author of this article.
