I personally like that you’re self sustaining and not owned by a big player - if you’re financially stable, which it sounds like you guys are (kudos!).
Thanks, Brad! Hope my response gave you enough confidence to give Backendless a try. Please let us know if you run into any problems of have any questions.
Great questions, indeed. The biggest difference between us and Parse or Firebase (outside of the fact that our service is way better) is we do not have the same level of funding as those guys. That does not mean that our financial situation is unstable, no, quite the opposite. We’re fortunate to be able to do what we love without worrying about continuing to do so. We’re not draining a VC fund and grow organically. We’re privately owned and at this point the business can fund itself.
However, our marketing pockets are not as deep as the major competitors. As a result, we have to be careful with the funds we can allocate to be in front of everyone’s face. We have a very devoted user base, people who develop with Backendless absolutely love it and we rely on our users to help us spread the word and educate others.
Our customers include some very large organizations, small/medium size businesses and individual developers. I would be happy to discuss the details over the phone conversation with you (ping me offline - mark@backendless.com).
I read your answer about. It is impressive what you guys are doing.
We were on parse from past 2 years and suddenly got this email that parse is dead and we were dead too. We want to switch to your platform but we are afraid that what if something like this happens to you (we wish it does not). Please comment.
Do you have plan to host the open-sourced parse server? most of current parse.com users do not want to change their frontend app code… Since the parse server is now open-sourced, it would be easy for your company to provide such hosting and win many customers over.
We have no plans on shutting down, in fact, quite the opposite - we are growing and continuously improving our service. No one can predict the future, anything can happen. Could Parse guys see it coming themselves? I doubt it. However, could they stay in charge of their own destiny or least get some assurances at the time when the sold out? Absolutely. And that’s exactly what I’d like to do - stay in charge of our destiny, because as long as no one tells us what to do, we can do the right thing and take care of developers like you.
We would need to maintain two code bases: our own and Parse's. Taking care of their server-side code does not excite us whole lot
Parse Server is not a complete implementation of their backend. I estimate that about 30% of features are missing, it means sooner or later people will be coming asking us to implement the rest
Parse dashboard is not included into Parse Server. It means we would have to figure out how to "wire" our console to work with their server code.
I think a much better route would be to provide the best possible data migration mechanism and then go through the pain of updating the app with our API, which I believe is a lot more powerful than Parse's
Mark, i have read the above comments several times and it is really what is keeping me with Backendless. Do your best to be always incharge with your excellent team and i believe the future of this great service will be so profound. I am a great fun and user of your service and very proud to be. Backendless gets better everyday.
Mark, i have read the above comments several times and it is really what is keeping me with Backendless. Do your best to be always incharge with your excellent team and i believe the future of this great service will be so profound. I am a great fun and user of your service and very proud to be. Backendless gets better everyday.