I have a problem with the registration email.
If the new user has received the e-mail, he will receive the following message after clicking on the link:
code 3051
message “Confirmation failed”
errorData {}
Can you please help me solve this problem?
Many thanks
Hello @Vadim_Zagorskiy
Welcome to our community and thank you for trying out Backendless.
Please provide your applicationId.
Hello Vladimir,
Thank You.
The ID is: 6D3F64EE-4C44-1787-FF91-8EC470BE6000
Hello @Vadim_Zagorskiy
I see 2 users in Users table has userStatus is ENABLED. Does the problem you are talking about appear when one of these users or some other user is confirmed?
Hello Vladimir,
The problem appears when a new user makes a registration. Then he will receive a confirmation email with a link. If he clicks on this link, this message appears and the regestration does not work
Hello @Vadim_Zagorskiy
Sorry for the long answer, we try to answer all questions as quickly as possible.
We will be happy to assist you.
I need to ask you a few more questions so I can understand the problem better.
I see only 2 Users in your application and they have the status ENABLE.
How can users, for whom email confirmation does not work, register?
You yourself delete these users from the Users table or why are they not present there?