Connect Backendless with Auth0?

Hi all,

Like the title. Can I connect Auth0 as a “login provider”?

I am trying to add it under users>login providers. I think I have all the right values filled in, but I am not sure on the “default mapping” and the “token scope”. What values must be given there?

Is there any thoughts on connecting Backendless to Auth0 in the future?

Hello @overcardio,

Default mappings – a mapping of user properties between the OAuth provider and Backendless.
The mapping must be represented as JSON.
For example, I use my custom provider, which returns me data in the following form:

    my_email: 'foo",
    my_password: "bar"

But Backednless User doesn’t have columns like my_email or my_password , he has email and password so we need to map this data.
That is how it should look map file in this case:

   my_password: 'password',
   my_email: 'email'

In case you don’t want to do any customization, you need to specify the mapping to at least get the identity field.

{"email": "email"}

The description of token scope can be found here:

Also maybe this link could be useful


Hi, @overcardio !

Is there any thoughts on connecting Backendless to Auth0 in the future?

We have this feature in our roadmap and it will be added in one of our future releases.

Regards, Andriy