Connecting to email verification Link


I have questions that perhaps you can help me with.

  1. I created a page in the ui builder - it’s name is confirmation. I published it and put it in /web

Where is this page located? I look in the web directory and it’s not there. And, what is it called - I can’t call a page called confirmation from anywhere i just get 404’s

  1. The reason I created the page is because I want to call the confirmation address from the email.

for example I created a user and his email link was this this is the email:…[PMG4/users/confirmation]( etc etc etc etc

I assume that the file name /users/confirmation is the posting address. Where is this folder and how to I get to it?

  1. Can ui-builder pages have a file extension i.e. .html etc? Within the same vein can the be in folders or subfolders?

Thanks for your help.

Paul McPherson

Hello @Paul_McPherson

  1. The entire container you publish will be located in the folder you choose when you publish. You can also click on the “Open published app” button and the URL will contain the path to the index.html file.

  2. I don’t quite understand the second question. Could you please tell us what file you wanted to find and for what purpose?

  3. Yes, pages have extensions.


When a user signs up, an email is sent by backendless for the user to click on to confirm their registration. What page does this link go to? When I click on the email I get a 404 not found.

Do I need to place a specific page in a specific location and what is the name that this file must have?

Paul McPherson

The ui-builder contains the “system” container, which contains the pages for some user actions. Monosnap
Most likely, when you published your application to the “web” folder, you did not create any additional subfolders there. To fix the behavior you need to publish the “system” container to the following path “web/system” . Monosnap


I did that. I created the folder /web/system

I published to /web/system and I published to /web

In both cases everything was recreated in web
The system folder was deleted in both case
There is no file called [confirmed] that I can see anythere
I tried to rename the file from [confirmed] to [confirmed.html] and was not able to change it. I receive the message —>>>> You can use only latin letters, numbers, and characters (’_’, ‘-’).

Where is my page confimed and what do i inder in the url to get it

I can gen index.html but not confirmed

for example works fine does not exist

Please advise


Please provide your APP ID.

My app id is


Thank You


I just published a system container to the web/system folder. Now the following page is displayed when registering. Please check it.


I tried the link from my email to the page. It did work.

On the screen it says You can change the page in the pagebuilder​*

How can I do this. All I see is my landing page index.html in the /web directory
and a single index.html in /web/system

If I edit that in the file editor I get a login page

Where is the file that I can edit in the page builder?
And, what is it’s name. And where is it located?

Thank You


You can edit this page in the container system. The page is named confirmation-confirmed. Monosnap
After the changes, you will need to publish this container again to the system folder (it will be selected by default now).


Thank You.

It seems to be working now,

Paul McPherson