OnFault various messages detected

I use analytics to write the errors I get in onFaults. theses are the messages I see ordered from frequent to rare. altogether 3% :

  1. failed to connect to api.backendless.com/ (port 443) after 100500ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED
  2. UserService.login. errorMessage: User cannot be logged in
  3. Unable to save object - invalid data type for properties - priceInCoins. You can change the property type in developer
    (remark: even though the types are the same - int)
  4. UserService.loginWithFacebookSdk. errorMessage: Duplicate entry
  5. grantCoinsToUser. errorMessage: java.lang.ThreadDeath
  6. Not existing user token - 1DF4E512-A530-6D62-FF23-A96E92A41F00. Relogin user to update your user token
  7. Handshake failed
  8. UserService.register. errorMessage: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.

Hi Tal,

It’s rather difficult to explain these errors without exact examples or steps to reproduce, for example the most frequent one may be because of lots of reason, including bad internet connection.

If its possible, please provide more details on each of the errors so that we could better understand how to investigate this.


Hi Sergey.
Thanks for your help.

These errors happen when querying backendless (except for 2 of them that have to do with login).
for example making this query:
QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
BackendlessDataQuery dataQuery = new BackendlessDataQuery(GiftCardRedeem.COL_USER_ADVERTISING_ID + " like ‘" + userAdvertisingId + "’");
queryOptions.addSortByOption(GiftCardRedeem.COL_DATE_OF_REQUEST + " DESC");
Backendless.Data.of(Consts.TABLE_GIFT_CARD_REDEEMS).find(dataQuery, callback);

Please, can you create a project with correct example to reproduce your problem.
Besides the code, you were placed, we need data on which this behavior is reproduced.