Convert decimal to money format?

I have a decimal value 25000, and I’d like to display it as $25,000.00

Suggestions on the best way to do this? I can’t find anything useful in the support database… :frowning:

I ended up doing this… make sense?

Hello @Joel_Maclean1

1# Option

1123213.123 → $1,123,213.12
1123213.129 → $1,123,213.13
1123213.01 → $1,123,213.01
1123213.019 → $1,123,213.02
1123213.1 → $1,123,213.10
1123213.12 → $1,123,213.12
1123213.010 → $1,123,213.01
1123213 → $1,123,213.00

2# Option

1123213.123 → $1,123,213.123
1123213.129 → $1,123,213.129
1123213.01 → $1,123,213.01
1123213.1 → $1,123,213.1
1123213.12 → $1,123,213.12
1123213.019 → $1,123,213.019
1123213.010 → $1,123,213.01
1123213 → $1,123,213


Hi there,

I would recommend to create a custom function and make use of the javascript function Intl.NumberFormat. Here you have the advantage not to take care of the different local formats.

Regards, Joerg

Awesome thanks guys worked like a charm, I used the custom code Intl.NumberFormat option. Never used a custom code block before, opens all kinds of potential.