Country table display in Data Browswer

Task: Import Data Into the database AND verify import

Country table indicates 246 entries (kind of corroborated by .csv file: 239 rows + heading).
But Country table only displays 15 entries.

  1. Where is the Data Browser ‘entries/screen’ set?
  2. Why the difference between the table entry count and the .csv row count?

Could you please record a loom video that shows how you go about running this task?

I’m new to Loom (never heard of it before), so let me know if this is the link works: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software

Thank you. The video shows there are 246 records in the Country table:

I do not quite understand what seems to be the issue. Could you clarify?

Found the answer to the important question: page through the table (e.g. Country) entries via the arrows at bottom left of Data Browser screen.

The minor (just curious) question: the Country.csv file has 239 data rows + header. Why does the Country table show 246 entries?

I did a fresh import and I see 239 records imported into the database: