Country table

I did the first mission in GEO Explorer but the country table won’t pop up so I can’t proceed. my ID is: EB8CC6F3-5D05-44E6-FF4C-F35012A4EF00

Hi Jason,

Did you create your app using the “New App for Training” option?


yes and it’s the same one iv’e been using for all of the missions. the only other table it has is the “Person” table.

Could you please take a screenshot of the Data screen and attach it here?

Hi Jaxon,

It looks like you created a “blank” app. Please make sure to create a new app for testing. This is the option to choose when you create a new app:


thanks I’ll try that

still doesn’t look right

The instructions say to create a column in the Country table. Which part does not look right?

the video’s table looks different

That’s OK. The goal of the task doesn’t change.

ok thx