Create page zin UI

I am trying to replicate the Task list page from the training video for a different purpose.
In my use I do not need the checkbox item. Can I use Text just to show the records in my table?

Hi @David_Blackard

Could you please provide more details?

Can I use Text just to show the records in my table?

Because the answer to the question above will be yes, you can

Hi Vladimir
I find myself struggling again. :cry:
I want to create a page where the user can enter their allergies on top of the page and see them listed at the bottom. With the ability to edit & delete individual entries.
I tried using this video to assist me.

But I can’t even replicate this page.
I have 3 records in my table but I’m not able to display them like video does.
Not sure where to start

This afternoon I have used this video to attempt showing a list of all records on the page.

I continue to have a problem with getting the records to be listed.
I deleted the table and created a new one and used that one in my logic
Still no list.
IF someone would be willing to look at this Id appreciate it
app ID 67638E47-9916-DD4F-FFCF-6EF84F09F600
UI Builder page name is allergies

The “allergyContainer” component on that page is not marked as “Repeater”. As a result, it will not render anything with the data you’re assigning to it.

To learn about Repeaters, see this page in the docs (I recommend reading the entire documentation to better understand how it works):

Unfortunately that did not solve my problem.
I created another page accessList and got the same results.
I know it’s going to be some minor thing that’s tripping me up.

Warmest regards,

Check the accessList page now.

This is the change I made: