I have a data resource. The columns within are properties of the users i.e username, birthdate, etc.
I have a column called comments.
It’s used to collect comments left on the User’s page.
Now on the frontend (Appgyver), I’ve created an object with properties to be stored under the user’s received comments (Backendless).
The objects include each comment with its time generated.
On the frontend, it looks like this: WITH_ITEM(data.userUpdates1.comments, {comment: pageVars.comment_input.text, time: NOW(), id: GENERATE_UUID()})
However, I think there’s an issue, I reckon it’s bcos of the incongruent schema between Backendless and Appgyver. on backendless side it’s either a strong/text, it doesn’t have an option to be an object (which is what will be stored from Appgyver).
By any chance, do you know a way around it? So that what the frontend has received can be stored in backendless as such: object: {comment: ‘abc…’, time: datetime, id: 24387ry343}, {comment:‘cba…’, date: datetime, id:2324343vfv}…
Or something along this line. I’m not sure if this is the best way to store each comment left by others on User A’s page, but this is my current thought process. Thanks!
But it might also have nth to do w backendless but everything is on the front end in matching the properties. Will check it out!
You can save objects in a table like a JSON data type, but that not the best solution for your problem I think.
Would be better if you create a new table with comments, and create 1:N relation from the user to her comments.
If something still unclear, please let me know, and we continue to solve your question.
I have tried saving on JSON data type but nothing appears in the space too. Saving as a text is super easy.
Just to understand what you mean. For each user, I should set up an individual table so that other users’ comments can be stored there as a property (i.e. time, comment)?
But does that mean for each comment, a new column will have to be created? Bcos it wouldn’t make sense if the user has thousands of comments…
I ran into the same problem earlier when I was saving the user interests onto backendless, because the interests are also saved as a list, and I haven’t solved that.
Saving them as a text is easy, no problem. But due to the functions available on Appgyver (adding new/removing items to list), i can’t add or remove text directly, it always has to be added/removed from a list.
I cannot comment about how things are done in AppGyver, it is not my cup of tea, however, from the data modeling perspective in the backend, I’d use the following structure:
Specifically, it is a one-to-many relationship between the Users and the Comment table. A single user can have multiple comments. To retrieve all comments for a user object, you’d use the following API: Two Steps Retrieval - Backendless REST API Documentation
This makes sense. I have turn the comments data type into a data object relationship to an app table called comments (which include comment, created, id).
However, on Appgyver’s GET SCHEMA side to set the schema, it can no longer detect the column ‘comments’. By any chance you know what’s going on?
I jumped into another similar problem. Just another qtn Mark, I have saved some list data on Backendless as a JSON type. Is there a way to generate a new column just to convert them as string/text?
Let’s say [“tennis, frisbee, climbing”] → tennis, frisbee, climbing
Hi Troy.
I’m just wondering if you ever had success adding data to a column with data object relation using AppGyver (front end) and Backendless (backend). I think you had a parent table “Users” and child table “Comment” with column “comments” in your parent table.
I have been stuck on this problem for 3 months and haven’t made any progress. To me it seems like a very fundamental thing to be able to do!
When you integrate with a 3rd party system (AppGyver, Adalo, etc), the key is to get a working REST request first. For this you can use our own REST Console (non-relational requests), Postman, or any tool that gives you control over the structure of a REST request. Once you have a REST request working, then you work with the actual tool to configure that call in their environment.