Critical Issue - API calls will be blocked

Hello there,

I have received the following critical issue message:
Your application has exceeded a limit of the Timer run frequency on the current plan. All API calls will be blocked within 48 hours after the limit is exceeded.

I have checked the log and all my timers, which are running only once a day and not at the same time. I have never had problems so far. I don’t know what to do.

Could you please check and advise what to do.

Thanks in advance.

Hello @Jorg_Beyer,

what’s your app id?

App-ID 66C2DBD4-189A-7377-FF95-915D98235700


@Jorg_Beyer we do not see this warning in your app. Where do you see it? Is it still shown?


I don’t see this warning. Did you try refreshing a page?

I did it multiple times and it did not disappear. That was my trigger when I contacted you. But now I refreshed again and it it not there anymore.

Ok, problem solved? Was there a problem I should investigate?

You don’t need to investigate it, your app does not exceed any limits right now.
Just let us know if you see it again.
