This is a CRITICAL Issue, Users are not able to register with the application and this Error appears

We are doing extensive marketing campaigns right now and this is Significantly impacting our business, We need a resolution to this problem ASAP…
App ID : 969ECFD3-AFFD-4412-BF57-0D11209BC7B1
Region : EU
Can you share steps to reproduce? Sharing the registration link would be quite helpful.
Can you share the link the users go to?
It’s a mobile Application called (Atfalna)
but I can’t share link to it.
In step 1, when you say “Open application”, do you mean this app?
Thank you. We are checking the issue. As a temporary workaround you can disable email confirmations.
Please consider the urgency of the issue as it’s impacting a large numbers of users and that can impact our business so much, thank you for your support.
Hi @Esam_Hossam1,
Users do not receive emails because your SMTP server blocks the mailing. Here is the error from the logs:
2025-01-31 14:06:59,962 | SMTP Logger | ERROR | Send message 'Atfalna - Registration Confirmation' was failed
: 550 5.4.6 Unusual sending activity detected. <a href= target=_blank>Learn more.</a> To unblock <a href= UnblockMe target=_blank>Click here.</a>
@Esam_Hossam1 because of the problem described above, we could not reproduce the issue. The custom smtp server configured in the app does not deliver email confirmation messages. And because of that we could not check the link.
Ok thank you the issue is resolved, it turned out the SMTP server was blocking sending emails.