Crud rookie

Task: Add Object With API

I am trying to complete this mission using Business Logic within Backendless. I already have a Table created in the Data section called ‘Person’.

I have created logic using the visual editor as shown in the image below:

I was expecting this to add in an entry for the name ‘Joe’ into the Person table when I select ‘INVOKE’ but it is not working. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

Does the table have the name column? If not, is the dynamic schema definition turned on?

Hi Mark. The table does have a column called ‘name’. And the dynamic schema definition is turned on. I am using POST would that be correct for this process? When I select INVOKE it says that its successful but nothing is showing in Person table.
Any ideas?

Its working now I just had to come out of the editor and then INVOKE for it to work. Thanks for the help.

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The screenshot helped me get through the first Crud Rookie Mission.

I was able to complete Crud Rookie by solving the last task as shown.