CSS has stopped working on testing and production environment

My landing page currently looks like this:

This has happened across both testing and production environments. This is the only error I’m seeing

I don’t know if this explains it or not.

I have synced the environments today but this happened after that and I had already successfully tested the synced environment, and it has also happened in containers that haven’t been updated.

Hi, @Luc_Zentar

Are you still experiencing the issue? Please provide us the AppId of any of the apps with the issue, specify the container and the name of the page, and we’ll try to figure it out.


Yes I am

Test environment app ID - 8518B92E-A6AA-5589-FFA0-B863E4A63F00

Production environment app ID - 9144D969-8CEB-81F4-FF84-987167CF6800

They are mirrored environments so it is the same issue in both.

Containers impacted - mobileApp & webApp

Pages impacted - all

Thank you

@Luc_Zentar, I just checked both environment apps (mobile and web containers) and I was not able to reproduce the issue.

Have you tried clearing the cache or opening in incognito mode?


That was the problem after syncing, sorry!

@Luc_Zentar, no worries. We are always glad to help you!
