Current service status

Is there any way to check the current status of the data service?

The requests that my app was making suddenly stopped working so I wanted to double check the current service status. I am using the latest Android and iOS SDKs.

For example using this method in iOS does not run either a response or an error block (it doesn’t matter which parameters are used):

-(void)find:(Class)entity dataQuery:(BackendlessDataQuery *)dataQuery response:(void(^)(BackendlessCollection *))responseBlock error:(void(^)(Fault *))errorBlock;

Hi Igor,

We had a brief outage this morning. The service has been fully restored now.


Hello Mark,

Thanks for the reply.

It would be great if you could provide a place to check the status of the service in the future so that users can check it themselves instead of having to post a new questions.

Thanks again.

Hi Igor,

I agree, it would certainly provide extra visibility. We have multiple internal dashboards and a fault notification system. We will look into exposing some information for basic service uptime visibility.
