Currently many timeouts

Hi Backendless guys,

currently the API throws many 400 - Task execution is aborted due to timeout errors for most of the requests.
I tried this with our software in germany, but also clients worldwide see the same issue.
In the console I get the same errors for my custom cloud JS API handlers and also when I do big queries directly to the database API.
It seems the timeout error likelyhood rises with the size of data returned/read by the database.

When I run the coderunner on my PC, all the errors do not occure. (But as I learned some time ago, in this case the API code runs locally on my PC?)

My application ID is: 63087FF7-7E1D-973D-FF3B-D5F0740FA100

Thanks for help,

You mentioned that when you run the coderunner on your PC, errors do not occur. So could you, please, check how much time your execution takes? Cause for your current billing plan - execution time is 5 seconds. And when you work with your local coderunners, limits are not taken into account.

Did not change anything on my code since a few days, there all code worked perfectly in this time.

About half an hour ago, my monitoring noticed, that the one of my custom handler endpoints at was not reachable about 2 minutes. Since then all API endpoinds seem to be working fine again :slight_smile: Also returning big chunks of data from the DB API and custom API is no problem any more.

Anyway, thanks for caring

Nice to hear that don`t have any problems anymore. You are welcome :slightly_smiling_face: