Custom Business Logic afterUpdate and beforeUpdate events have problems

Hi. My problem that when I try to make afterUpdate or/and beforeUpdate events in CodeRunner appear these messages:

[INFO] Parsing event model...
[INFO] Build successfully: 2 handlers, 0 timers
[INFO] Deploying model to server, and starting debug...
[INFO] Model successfully deployed.
[INFO] Waiting for events...
May 21, 2016 12:06:36 AM com.backendless.coderunner.runtime.task.EventInvocationTask runImpl
SEVERE: null
at weborb.reader.ReferenceCache.hasObject(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(
at weborb.reader.ArrayType.defaultAdapt(

But when I try beforeCreate event everything working well.
And in code without any logic implemented, just empty

@Asset( "rooms" )
public class RoomsTableEventHandler extends com.backendless.servercode.extension.PersistenceExtender<Rooms>
public void beforeUpdate(RunnerContext context, Rooms rooms) throws Exception {

I tried both Async and Sync variants

CodeRunner is the latest version downloaded from site.
I start CodeRunner under Ubuntu latest version as well.

Hello Vladimir,

Please send your CBL project and data export to with tag BKNDLSS-12645.

Regards, Artur.

Hi, Vladimir.

Unfortunately did not receive your Custom Business logic project. We need it to progress on solving your issue.
Please send it at with tag BKNDLSS-12645.