Custom business logic execution error

I am getting the error “Custom business logic execution has been terminated because it did not complete in permitted time - 7200 seconds” with my server side custom event.
7200 seconds is equivalent to 2 hrs yet the error is being returned after just a few seconds.
It executed once though and has now permanently reverted to this.
I have gone as far as simplifying the code being executed in the custom event to return just a few table counts and am still getting the same errror.

CodeRunner does not move beyond “Waiting for events…”

Hi Odhiambo,

Does the error occur only while debugging?

Yes, while debugging, I haven’t deployed it yet.

Does the error occur if you restart coderunner and make a test invocation?

Hi Mark, yes i have restarted CodeRunner several times but am still getting the same error. I have two custom events being dispatched, one in the Activity that seeks to return object count for 8 tables, and another in the child fragment launched by the same Activity that seeks to return a user object based on a where clause.

I am not sure if i can execute two custom events simultaneously, because i don’t think the activity custom event completes before the fragment custom event fires.


Could you please record a video showing how you:

  1. start coderunner

  2. make invocation

  3. error you receive

  4. output in coderunner

Mark, It’s alternating between the error above and “Caused by: BackendlessException{ code: ‘1013’, message: ‘User has no permission to find elements in persistence storage.’ }” for a new custom event i have created.

The 1013 error occurs if you modified the permissions for your data tables.