Custom Table related with Users table, returns all Users fields


I have a table called “notification_groups”, this table is related to Users table in 1:N relation (the relation field is called users_related)

I want to obtain only the objectId from users related, also, I’m getting the count of users related:

let dataQuery = Backendless.DataQueryBuilder.create();
dataQuery.setProperties("group_name, count(users_related) as users_count, users_related.objectId as userId");

I want to get a response like this:

    "___class": "notification_groups",
    "group_name": "Group1",
    "countUsers": 3,
    "objectId": "41FAECFE-6270-486E-B342-85D031E0A1F2",
    "users_related": [
        "objectId": "4662FB55-37D4-44E8-9713-9CC5004FEA5E"
        "objectId": "7FD36617-B643-98F4-FF2E-AF86E2CBD900"
        "objectId": "EE62C374-B550-BB3C-FF9B-9D2EC0058A00"
    "___class": "notification_groups",
    "group_name": "Guests",
    "countUsers": 0,
    "objectId": "542793EA-A18C-426D-B9BF-96BC0F6ADA8A",
    "users_related": []

But instead of that, I got all fields for each user:

		"___class": "notification_groups",
		"group_name": "asdadasd",
		"UserId": null,
		"countUsers": 3,
		"objectId": "41FAECFE-6270-486E-B342-85D031E0A1F2",
		"users_related": [
				"lastLogin": 1602026861000,
				"userStatus": "GUEST",
				"created": 1602026861000,
				"socialAccount": "BACKENDLESS",
				"___class": "Users",
				"updated": 1602026871000,
				"objectId": "4662FB55-37D4-44E8-9713-9CC5004FEA5E"
				[more custom fields ...]
				"lastLogin": 1602715382000,
				"userStatus": "ENABLED",
				"created": 1589919413000,
				"admin": true,
				"socialAccount": "BACKENDLESS",
				"___class": "Users",
				"updated": 1602715394000,
				"email": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
				"objectId": "7FD36617-B643-98F4-FF2E-AF86E2CBD900"
				[more custom fields ...]
				"lastLogin": 1602714126000,
				"userStatus": "ENABLED",
				"created": 1590625447000,
				"socialAccount": "BACKENDLESS",
				"___class": "Users",
				"updated": 1602714139000,
				"email": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
				"objectId": "EE62C374-B550-BB3C-FF9B-9D2EC0058A00"
				[more custom fields ...]
		"___class": "notification_groups",
		"group_name": "Invitados",
		"UserId": null,
		"countUsers": 0,
		"objectId": "542793EA-A18C-426D-B9BF-96BC0F6ADA8A",
		"users_related": []

Or maybe an array with the objects Ids from all users?

How can I get only specific fields from relation?


Hello @Dario_Castaneda

To transform relations/child collections you need to use a afterFind EventHandler and transform the result there

Backendless.ServerCode.Persistence.afterFind('Persons', function(req, res) {
  return => {
       person.orders = => {
         return { objectId: order.objectId }
    return person

the result you can check in the REST Console

According to load all the object ids, you can load no more than 100 related object for each parent in a single API call, but I believe 100 children should enough

Also, I would recommend you to use custom API Services and inside the service use the loadRelations API

Regards, Vlad

Thank you @vladimir-upirov!

Thank you @vladimir-upirov!