Backendless Version (5.x, Pro)
Application ID: 40BD7BDC-AAFE-4E5A-FF93-E329F3C5A900
Expected Behavior
- Existing custom user role is removed from a user using the Backendless Web Console or Business
Logic Code - User logs in/logs out
- User role list should reflect changes in the addition/removal of custom user roles IMMEDIATELY.
Actual Behavior
- Existing custom user role is added/removed from a user using the Backendless Web Console
- User logs in/logs out
- User role list PERSISTS not reflecting the changes in the list of user roles for an indefinite period of
I am building a few Business Logic services using the JAVA SDK. One of the features is to have a user with a SUPER_ADMIN role be able to modify the custom roles I have implemented for other non-admin users. However, using the REST endpoints for modifying user roles as well as the built in JAVA SDK methods of .unnasignRole() and .assignRole() fail to update the list of a users permissions retreived by InvocationContext.getUserRoles() or Backendless.UserService.getUserRoles(). The previous assigned roles seem to persist indefinitely and I have not been able to figure out a means of refreshing/clearing cache to update the list.