Custom validation in beforeCreate event (Node.js)

I am trying to implement custom validation when creating a new Customer. The logic should work as follows: if there already exists a Customer with the same combination of PhoneNumber and OperatorId, Customer should not be created and a validation message should be returned. The following code does not work as I expect.

Backendless.ServerCode.Persistence.beforeCreate('Customer', function(req) {
 var inputStr = `PhoneNumber = '${req.item.PhoneNumber}' and OperatorId.objectId = '${req.item.OperatorId.objectId}'`;
 var customerStorage = Backendless.Persistence.of('Customer');

 function findCustomer() {
 var query = {
 condition: inputStr
 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
 customerStorage.find(query, new Backendless.Async(result => {
 if ( > 0) {
 reject(new Error(`Customer already exists: ${inputStr}`));
 }, reject));

 return findCustomer()
 .catch(er => Promise.reject(er));

When I try to save a duplicate user, I get a proper error:

 "code": 0,
 "message": "Customer already exists: PhoneNumber = '+38067 444 44 44' and OperatorId.objectId = '51CC4050-8686-2C67-FF6B-644499006000'"

However, when I try to create a unique Customer I get an “Internal server error with id” or “Server temporarily unavailable” in a toaster, and in debug window I see that beforeCreate event handler was called three times.
What is wrong with my code?

Hi Kate,

Can you please provide one of the Internal server error IDs?