Customized web pages are not displaying

I’ve followed the steps to edit the index.html files on the Files->Root->web->templates->registration, using the little pen icon, and all are changed, but still after clicking the link in my Confirmation Template still I see “Note: you can change this page”. What might I be doing wrong? My email confirmation changes are working, just not these.


Hi @Andrew_Smith !

Could you please provide your App ID?

Regards, Andriy


@Andrew_Smith ,

I have looked to your app and found reason of this strange behavior. Your app was created with version newer than 6.2.0 of Backendless. In 6.2.0 we changed approach for management of “change_password” and “registration” pages - they were replaced by pages from UI-Builder. Unfortunately we didn’t drop old versions of this pages.
You have found old pages and changed them, but new pages were left untouched and they was used in your emails.
To make changes to actual pages you should do next:

  1. Go to “Frontend” section.
  2. Select “UI Builder”
  3. Hover with your mouse pointer over “Editing Page”.
  4. In popup select “system” container.
  5. Again hover over “Editing Page”.
  6. In section “Pages” select page which you want to edit.

Could you please, write back if you was able to folow my steps and found required pages?

Also I am going to create internal ticket for removal of obsole old page templates.

Regards, Andriy


Yes this works! Although step 7. would be to publish, I found out. Very new user, I did not find the information by searching the docs, but the forum had several answers that led me to the old solution.

Very exciting, I found Backendless Friday last week and today I push out a beta with full user registration! Great product for me.


Yes, I forgot to include step 7)
I hope you will enjoy further work with Backendless. Have a nice day!

Regards, Andriy

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