Data binding 101

Mission: DATA BINDING 101
Task: Add block component and bind styles logic

I did everything right and my task is working but the validate button is not even showing, even when i refresh page. Please help!

Please, describe your problem here.

Had you done everything right, the validation would have passed. Are you doing it for the school project?

Hello, thank you for replying. Yes, it is for a school project, and i am pretty sure i have done everything right, but the validate blue button isnt showing up at all.

I recommend contacting your professor and finding the problem in your solution with them. We are 100% certain that everything is working properly on our side and the issue is with something you didn’t do quite right. It could be a minor thing such as some extra space character somewhere…

The thing is that, i get IF the validate button turns red…But in this case the blue button it is not even showing. Thank you

Could you record a loom video showing how you solve that task? Please start from the moment when you create the actual page. When you’re done, could you share the link with us?

It works, Thank you! And may i ask is this some ai or actually a person im talking to?

and if real person, what are your work hours. Because i want to do this project by night time, so i still will need help, or there is like 24 hours just different people. :slight_smile:

You are talking to the Backendless Super God:

aha, got it :joy:

please answer hahah

chat gpt 4 cooking

Our support is designed to assist users who build apps and solutions with Backendless. However, since you are a student working on a school project with Backendless, it is fantastic, but please understand that we are not a free tutoring resource.

Can i ask further questions for free by any chance?

You are welcome to ask questions about Backendless. Please keep in mind we will not be assisting in looking for problems in your task/missions implementations

i do not understand, now can i ask questions or i may not, im confused.

You can ask questions about the product except for finding problems in pages because they don’t validate. For that, you need to contact your professor.