If I click into a date column, the date picker appears. Then, I type the full date and time (e.g., 05/09/2023 00:00:00. Then, I click the DONE button in the date picker. I would expect the date and time that I entered by the keyboard would be saved. Instead, the field is cleared and no data is saved.
Hi @Howard_Jacobson
I have created an internal ticket to fix the issue - BKNDLSS-32379. Thank you for letting us know about it. We will notify you in this thread when the issue is fixed.
Update. The same misbehavior occurs if I type in the full date and time and just tab out of the column to the next column.
Hi @Howard_Jacobson,
The problem that you wrote about above has been fixed from our side. Can you confirm that everything is working as it should now?