Data migration to new app: Importing files

we’re working on app cloning from our dev Backendless application to the prod application.
as one of the steps suggested here
we have to upload and unzip achieve with files.
I’ve done it, but all content is stored in Root folder, not in the “root” path:

How is it possible to move content from the Root folder to the “root” path?
Thanks in advance,

Hi Dmitriy,

Unfortunately, this is how unzipping works in our console. The only thing I can suggest you is to move the directories and files through the API.
We’re currently working on a new version of console, where this will be taken to consideration. But yet cannot provide any estimates on when it will be available online.

Thanks for clarification Sergey,

we’ve managed to clone Files stuff with git clone of the old repo, copying files to the new app’s repo and pushing changes.

Is it correct way or you can suggest some warnings regarding it?

In case everything went smoothly - this is also a good way to go :slight_smile:

Ok, thanks!