Data Model Logic for Reusable Component within Repeater


There are a few topics discussing something probably similar, but I must admit I understood neither the questions nor the answers :sweat_smile: So I will describe my issue here.

I have a page structure as follows (simplified) :

⤡ Block 1 (repeater)
  ⤡ Block 2 (data container)
    ⤡ Reusable component = EventCard

This page can display many items, since the repeater can contain perhaps hundreds of items in a scrolling list. And the underlying repeating data can be updated through interactions elsewhere on the page (filtering, sorting, etc.)

Question : what is the proper, recommended way to pass the data to the reusable component so that it may display the data ?

When in the page, the only logics available for the reusable component are :

There is no Data Model Logic like you would expect. And that’s despite the fact that my reusable component is set as a Data Container :

The only way I managed to pass my data - sometimes - is to define a Data Model Logic for Block 2, which contains the component, and in there to actually build my object and in the end to set it forcibly, as such :

Perhaps because this is not real data binding (?), when the underlying data is modified, the component data is not always updated. I have printed data outside and inside the component, and it’s not (always) the same !

Wouldn’t it be more logical to have a Data Model Logic for the reusable component, so as to ensure a perfect match ?

And, as asked in introduction : which process do you recommend to get such data from the repeater to the reusable components ?


Has anybody encountered this issue ?

Or perhaps some guidance from the Backendless team ?

Hi @Nicolas_REMY,

We have created an internal ticket to investigate your case - BKNDLSS-33015. We will respond to you in this thread when we get any results. Keep in touch.


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Hi @Nicolas_REMY

We have added a new Logic Handler “Data Model Logic” for a ReusableComponent instance, now you can assign an object from a parent data model as a data model for the component
